You've just received word that a Jan Ors, a friend, has been arrested as a rebel spy. You've been toying with the idea of "retiring" from the imperial army; this decides it. You're going over the wall and you're taking Jan with you. Rebel spies typically don't have a long life expectancy after capture, so you'll have to move fast. You learn that Jan is being held at an imperial base on Davan. Most of the data on this installation is classified but you do learn the following: The base is located near Nasgeid, the only spaceport on Davan. The base is situated high in the mountains above the city. The area around the base consists of numerous canyons, caves, and several rivers. The main access road to the base has numerous check-points and access gates; the surrounding area is patrolled regularly both by troops and by automated means. The installation itself is mostly underground; the only access into the base is through a well-guarded front gate. Initially, it seems hopeless. The base is too well guarded for a frontal assault to succeed. But then, one small item catches your eye. The base runs a sewage treatment facility. After treatment, the sewage is unceremoniously dumped into one of the rivers from an access port located in a small canyon at the rear of the base. Its a long-shot, but this may be your only chance to get into the base. To reach the sewage port, you'll have to swim down one of the rivers and then negotiate the cliff walls and caves. The maps of the area show a ledge located just below a large waterfall that will allow you to access the river. There are 4 waterfalls below this main one. You'll need to find landfall somewhere before the 3rd waterfall; the currents become too rapid to swim against below the 3rd fall, and plunging over the 4th fall in the series would be fatal. After entering the base, you'll need to move quickly. Once it becomes clear what your target is, there is the danger that the security facility might be locked down and gassed to prevent any escapes. If this occurs, you'll need to find another way out of the cell-blocks. Once you have Jan, you plan to exit the base through the main entrance. (Since the base is set up to defend against attacks from outside, and not inside, this area is probably vulnerable to attack.) Obtaining a one-day pass, you head for the local spaceport. To avoid arousing suspicion, you take nothing with you but the clothes on your back. For an exorbitant fee, you obtain a quick passage to Davan, of the "no-questions asked" variety. With your few remaining credits, you obtain a second-hand Bryar pistol and some ammo on the black market; anything else you need, you'll have to scavenge from the base. Arriving on Davan, you hot-wire an unattended landspeeder and make your way into the mountains. Secreting the landspeeder in a small canyon near the entrance to the base, you set out for the river.